I was happily surprised when Verizon finally broke the silence and announced the availability of the Incredible. And though I was only halfway through my New Every Two plan, upon my request Verizon graciously offered me the phone at the promotional $149 and then simply restarted my New Every Two the moment I activated this phone. THAT'S good customer service.
I've had the phone for over a week and I absolutely love it. Yes there are grumblings about the lean battery life. I won't lie, you do need to be prepared to charge it daily, especially for the first few days. But you have to keep in mind it's a small computer that does REAL multitasking. This is nothing new for those who have owned smartphones previously and does take a little getting used to by the basic voice / text phone crowd (my old voice / text phone went 8-9 days between charging).
The battery is a tad undersized for the power of the phone but then again we consumers want a small, thin form factor. Already there's a 1750 mAh battery available (exact same dimensions as the one it ships with) and rumors of an upcoming 2100+ mAh. And remember, something you can do with this and most every non-Apple mobile device - easily carry a spare & swap / upgrade batteries.
Following the advice on the Android forums, for the first few days I put my phone through full charge / discharge (till completely dead) cycles and have noticed a good 50% gain on battery life.
Voice quality is excellent - both what you hear and what your caller hears
The speaker is decent for a phone but plug in a decent pair of headphones (uses a standard jack) and you have sound quality rivaling an iPod. Plus the cord on the headphones acts as an antenna for the built-in FM radio.
wifi setup is a breeze though with Verizon's unlimited data plan the biggest benefit to wifi connectivity is speed. I find the range with my home network is as good as my laptop and the phone will automatically switch between known / configured wifi networks and the regular 3G network, with a preference for wifi over 3G. When using the YouTube app, if you're connected on wifi it will automatically always try to get the highest quality version of the video. If you're only on the 3G network then you have to tell the player to use higher quality (since it can take longer to load and possibly not stream as smoothly on 3G).
I've been using the free Pandora app to stream internet radio and have quickly gotten addicted to always-on Internet connectivity. Sound quality doesn't change between wifi and 3G and I can't even tell when the phone switches as I get out of range of my configured wifi hotspots. There is something to be said for the Verizon 3G network coverage. I live in Phoenix and haven't had any connectivity issues.
I do need to mention there's a current issue in the app that shows you 3G signal strength in the phone status bar. It doesn't seem to show true signal strength. That is at times it has shown zero signal strength and I've made calls, surfed, listened to Internet radio with no quality issues. Once again, this is a new phone and nothing an update (they download via the 3G / wifi network, by the way - you don't have to plug it into your computer or take it to the Verizon store) won't correct.
Voice recognition is pretty flawless (actually performed by the Verizon server farm, I believe) and can be used pretty much anywhere you can use the onscreen keyboard.
Integration with Gmail email, contacts & calendar is seamless. In fact if you have a Gmail account you'll see there's no longer any need to keep contacts on your phone. You can assign ringtones, notes, etc to your Gmail contacts exactly as you can to contacts stored locally on the phone so why bother backing up with Backup Assistant, etc? Every time the phone syncs with your Gmail account any changes are "backed up". You do have the option to sync with other email providers but I haven't explored that feature since I only use Gmail.
I've had hit and miss success with Flash video on sites like [...]. But at least the Android OS is committed to supporting Flash so I have full confidence that this will be corrected in an upcoming update.
All this chatter about the Apple store having hundreds of thousands of apps vs Google store only having twenty thousand or so seems rather irrelevant to me. That is, I'm finding PLENTY of apps available and a surprising quantity of great quality FREE apps. And as the Android OS gets more and more popular, and as Apple gets more and more unfriendly toward their "loyal" developers, there are going to be more and more apps available for the Android OS.
If you're still a fence sitter like I was, yes, there will always be a better phone "coming". But if you're ready to finally join the smartphone crowd I think the Droid Incredible is an excellent phone to make the leap with.